5 Ways Pictures Can Boost Your Website's Conversion Rates

5 Ways Pictures Can Boost Your Website’s Conversion Rates

Did you know that pictures themselves have a massive impact on website conversion rates! That’s right! Research has found that people can remember pictures much easier than words, and in fact, they can remember over 2,000 images with incredible accuracy.

Unfortunately, so many websites today use boring stock pictures that are unmemorable. Don’t do that, and instead, do better!

That said, if you’re wondering how exactly pictures can boost your website’s conversion rates, here are a few ways it does this:

1. Boosts Engagement in your Posts

Users love to see images in blog posts. It helps break up the words and makes reading more fun. As a result, images in your web copy can increase the overall engagement in your content. Images also have the power to convey emotions and tell a story much better than words can. 

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and that is indeed quite true. Plus, they can remember that picture better than they can a thousand words!

2. Improves Conversions

People respond better to images than words. Images can be helpful tools to communicate your value proposition. They can also improve the quality of your web pages, making it easier for users to find the information they’re looking for.

As a result, as users find out that you offer them exactly what they need, they are more susceptible to paying for your products or services. This, obviously, boosts conversion rates!

3. Builds Trust

In addition to improving your website’s user experience, images can also help you win customers’ trust. Visuals can be a lot more persuasive than words can.

According to research, in fact, yes, the right visuals can effectively persuade people to buy. In fact, visuals have 4,000% more impact on persuasion than words do!

4. Helps Capture Attention

Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text. You probably noticed that when you look at a list of text, it’s hard to remember anything other than the first or last few words.

By using images, you can capture your visitors’ attention much more effectively. If a picture truly is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million words! For example, if you’re trying to promote a new product on your website, a video showing a demonstration of how the product works will be more impactful than a simple explanation.

5. Helps With Search Results

People are searching for images as well as words on Google. In fact, five of the top ten Google search results are images!

You can take advantage of this by optimising your images to appear in Google searches. People prefer to click on images when they search. Take advantage of this by optimising your image file names to include relevant keywords.


Images are a powerful content tool that can make your product look enticing and valuable and your content engaging and persuasive. You should use images on your website to communicate your value proposition better and to make your web copy easy to understand and memorable. That said, always make sure to use the right images that convey the right messages, all the while looking good. This way, your pictures actually make sense to your audience, giving your websites all of the above benefits.

Stephensons IT Support Solutions offers creative digital marketing services. If you are looking for web design in Barnsley, reach out to us today!

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