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3 Ways to Pair SEO and Website Design Perfectly

Not many people realise this, but the truth is that website design and SEO go hand in hand. While it may not be obvious, the fact stands that the components of both SEO and website design pair well together so that when they are both designed in tandem, visitors may not even realise that this is the case. All they will ever do is enter the website and start using it.

With that in mind, how do you pair SEO and website design together? Here’s how:

1. Use Digestible Design

When we say digestible design, we mean a design that users can easily read. Often, websites are designed with packed written content to squeeze in as much information as possible. Unfortunately, users are left squinting, trying to decipher what the text has to say. This hurts user experience and, in the process, causes visitors to click away from the website without further interacting with its content.

Needless to say, a high bounce rate is not good for SEO. For this reason, an excellent way to pair SEO and website design is to offer an easy-to-read layout. In doing so, people will be much happier to read what you have written out for them, allowing them to spend more time on your website, which is a good indicator to search engines that your website is excellent!

2. Build With Speed in Mind

Speed is the name of the game nowadays. Even with a website that takes three seconds to load, that is just too long to be considered reasonable. The longer a website takes the load, the likelier online visitors will click out within seconds. This is a red flag for search engines, seeing that users quickly leave as soon as they try to enter your website.

To fix this problem, apply strategies that make your website load faster. This includes formatting pictures properly, eliminating unnecessary graphics, and other design tactics to ensure that everything feels snappy and loads quickly. This kind of design, in turn, boosts your SEO, enhancing your search engine rankings and leaving your visitors happier.

3. Create to Facilitate Trust

Trust has always been an important factor in doing business. If no one trusts you, no one is going to buy from you. As such, your website must be designed in a way that makes you look trustworthy and professional. And when you successfully evoke feelings of trust in your customers, this will quickly turn into long-term loyalty.

A website that evokes trust is clean, easy to navigate, and quickly gives the users what they want. When your website is designed in this way, users will be happy to be on your website, surfing to learn more about you and see what you have to offer. This also translates into better SEO results, as the more users visit and stay on your website, the better your rank will be!


The above are just some of the many examples website design and SEO can go hand in hand. Remember, while these two aspects aren’t the same thing, they can intertwine with each other, helping your website to increase its reach and maximise its performance in capturing the audience for you! That said, if you have yet to implement website design and SEO together, do so right away. The work may be heavy, but the results are worth every bit of effort you put into it!

Need help creating a stunning website with a fantastic website design that supports your SEO effort? Stephensons IT support can offer you customised digital solutions to satisfy your needs. Contact us today and enjoy high-end website design services!

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