how many pages your website needs

Understanding How Many Pages Your Website Actually Needs

With the simplicity with which a website can be built nowadays, even those without any training in web design can get a site up and running. 

The structure may be put in place quickly using open-source content management systems like WordPress. WordPress themes provide outstanding aesthetics and one-of-a-kind designs without the requirement for third-party assistance.

Even if designing a website is pretty simple, it’s only through experience that you can understand the essential aspects. Most content management systems allow users to construct hundreds of pages within minutes.

However, with all these possibilities comes the common question: how many pages does a website need? This article will help you figure out the answer to this question.

Should You Immediately Go Big?

The success of some of the world’s most popular websites can be attributed to their enormous number of pages. Following the example of these websites, you may think it’s better to build a website with thousands of pages.

However, it is essential to remember that all these sites started somewhere. For example, Microsoft’s official domain is one of the most visited sites globally, and it has thousands of pages. However, its success lies in the existing brand being popular already.

On the other hand, big sites like Google, YouTube, and Amazon started solely online. While YouTube nowadays has users uploading over 500 hours of video every minute, it did not start with this many videos. It started with just one.

These sites all have one thing in common: they rely on usability as much as they do on content, and it is critical to get this in place before actually embarking on a massive content plan. Everything else seems to click into place when you get the fundamentals right.

Consider Your Needs

Some websites survive with a single objective and a few additional pages. Browser-based games are a great example of this. 

Visitors come to the site to play a game, and the entire game is contained inside the code on a single page. It is exclusively supported by pages necessary for all modern websites, such as the privacy policy and terms of service.

Other websites require as many pages as possible, such as news websites. Every day, dozens, if not hundreds, of new pages arise on sites ranging from ESPN to CNN and everything in between. 

Starting with a few pages may be sufficient for personal websites. The site’s purpose determines the number of pages it needs. As site owners publish more entries, their personal blogs develop naturally. Starting a blog may be as simple as creating a site and writing your first article.

It might be more complicated for business websites. Users that visit the site are typically interested in learning more about the firm and determining their level of trust. A single-page site may not be sufficient, and there are additional page privacy rules and other necessities to consider. Consider what site visitors desire and adapt your work to that target.

Stick to the Essentials

Meeting demand for a small company website boils down to a few key pages:

  • Home page to introduce the brand
  • Contact or order page to convert visitors into customers
  • Regulatory privacy policy or cookie notice
  • Product and service pages 


There is no one-size-fits-all approach for proper web design. Each website has its own needs and goals, and the number of pages you need depends on various factors.

An excellent way to start is by analysing your direct competitors. Observe what they are doing and how they tackle their problems and carefully consider whether their methods might be effective for your company, too.

Another great way to make sure your site has enough web pages is to hire a reliable web design agency to help you make an informed choice. They can create professional suggestions as to what your site can do.

Are you looking for web designers in Barnsley? Stephenson’s IT Support Solutions offers the best-in-sector digital marketing services. Give us a call to learn more!

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