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5 Proven Factors That Can Drive Your Website Traffic

At this point, everyone knows that websites play starring roles in businesses’ success in the digital world. After all, a company’s official website is one of the first touchpoints that give potential customers and clients a glimpse into what the business can offer.

It’s worth noting, though, that not all websites are equal. Some are well-built, resulting in higher traffic and better chances for success. Others are less than stellar, leading to lower clicks, retention, and even money loss. 

Here are some factors you need to consider to prevent the latter from happening to your company website. 

1. Mobile-Friendly Website Design

With the advent of smartphones, people browse the internet with their mobile devices more frequently. That’s why having a website that is only optimised for desktop viewing can hurt your chances of driving traffic to your channel.

You can create a mobile-friendly website design by choosing a responsive design. Responsive web designs typically cater to all kinds of devices and seamlessly adapt to the dimensions of the device the visitor uses. If you’re unsure how to proceed, you can always consult with a web design agency.

2. Quick Load Time

A slow-loading website is a top hit on Google’s list of reasons users bounce from a website. It’s not only because people are impatient. It’s also because a slow site can lead to a lower conversion rate.

For example, Google’s latest research shows that a one-second delay in-page loading can lead to a fourteen per cent reduction in customer satisfaction. If your website isn’t loading quickly enough, it might be time to update it or change to a better host.

3. Well-Written Content

Content is king, so the saying goes, and it remains true to this day. A website that provides helpful information is likely to earn a place in the visitor’s mind. You should note, though, that the quality of content you create also matters. On the topic of content creation, you should release relevant and easy-to-read content. 

For example, if you’re a clothing store, you might want to focus on content that supports what your business offers. Post about fashion trends or fashion do’s and don’ts. While writing content, you should limit your keyword use since overloading one article can also affect your website ranking. 

4. Easy to Find Contact Information

One of the most significant advantages of having a website is that you can broadcast your contact information without relying on a physical location. With a website, you can have a considerable presence in the online world regardless of the time of the day.

You should integrate your phone number or email address in your web design, either in the footer or header, to ensure that your website visitors know how to contact you. You can even include a dedicated contact page to give visitors an easier time to reach you should they need you to address certain concerns. 

5. High-Quality Website Tags

Website tags (or keywords) can help visitors find your site on search engines. Make sure that the terms you choose are relevant to your business and brand. It would help if you didn’t use generic words while choosing keywords. 

Instead, focus on keywords highly associated with your business. You should also include keywords in your title tags, image file names, and meta-description. Additionally, you need to double-check your keywords to see if they are allowed. For instance, Google doesn’t allow keywords in the middle section of your website title tag.


There’s no denying that a poorly-designed website can hurt your online presence. Fortunately, all is not lost, even after already launching your website. If you have experience, you can immediately improve your website, taking note of the elements above.

On the other hand, if you don’t have much web design background, you can collaborate with a website design company in Barnsley. Stephensons IT Support Solutions makes an excellent choice. We are a local business with years of experience working with clients on boosting their digital presence. Contact us today to get started on your website revamp. 

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